Sunday, 14 March 2010


Hey guys, been a week since my last post and not much has happened since! I played a half-session mid week that didn't go well and then on Saturday I played my first super50 which is a deepstack £50 at dtd. After 90 minutes of folding I finally picked up KK but unfortunately I ran into AA. Doh. Tonight I put in a session and I managed a final table on boss in the €22 deepstack but I came 9th when AK couldn't improve vs 88. This left me with a small £25 loss for the night. I have been really breakeven in 2010 and it is frustrating, but I guess I should be happy I aint in makeup!

I signed up to pokersavvy the other day and it has helped dramatically. I try and watch a video a day (they are about 45 mins long on average), and it is great to hear thought processes which had never previously entered my head. Worthwhile investment so far. Infact, it helped me with my session tonight in many spots, and I made a few plays I wouldn't have previously made and they all worked, so it seems like it is doing the trick (results orientated ftw).

On Thursday I might be going to Bens flat to grind and go through hands/accounts etc, but it depends on my coursework situation. Hopefully I manage to get it out the way though as I would quite like to go as it is really helpful and it actually got me my biggest ever score last time!

Off to bed now. Goodnight!

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