Thursday, 26 November 2009

End of the month run good?

Hey all, long time since my last update. Been super busy with coursework lately, probably the most busy I have ever been so far at uni. Understandably the amount of volume has dropped but the past few nights I have put in some volume with varying results. On Tuesday I went 0/7 in what ended up being a short session filled with run bad. However tonight went slightly better. I entered 5 tournaments and managed to cash in one for a measly $11.73, and final table the €27.50 on DTD. I came into the final table pretty short and ended up walking away with €160 for 7th. Funnily enough this was my first final table of November. It has been a pretty poor month really!

Maybe that final table was the sign for my run good at the end of the month. I don't have many days left to turn around my £400 deficit for the month, but in both October and September I was heavily down before my last sessions of the month and ended up winning nicely. Hopefully the same is true for November!

My life has been pretty uneventful lately. Chilling with housemates, doing cwrk, playing poker when I get the time. Fortunately I hand in some courseworks tomorrow so a night out in Ocean should be a pretty good way to celebrate the end of a tough week.

Will post again on 30th Nov/1st Dec to go over my results for the month and whether I passed my targets or not...

Wish me luck, bye all!

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